Reflections, Uncategorized

I am a sinner saved by Grace

Gary and I have been reading AW Tozer books lately. This morning I read 2 chapters of “Man, the Dwelling Place of God”. These chapters have convicted and reminded me of how easy it is to default to a mindset that belittles the phenomenal Grace of God! My outward appearances portray a very well behaved Christian woman, who truly strives to live for the glory of God. But, my heart and mind constantly reveal my true nature – a wretch saved by the unfathomable love, mercy, and Grace of my Savior.

I was raised in a fundamental, though somewhat legalistic, church environment. I remember Sunday School at Latham Baptist Church in Latham, IL with Mrs. Cates and in 3rd grade, Mrs. Cowan who taught me II Corinthians 5:17 – “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation.” Even at that tender age I knew I needed help in the battle to be good. I was very young when I put my faith in God and His gift of salvation. But what if I had not been born and raised in that environment? How different would I be?

Judging by my current tendencies toward sin, I wouldn’t want to associate with the woman I think I might be without Christ! I’ve grown so accustomed to the redeemed Kris, what God has done and continues to do in me, I forget the magnitude of His gift of saving me from myself. May I never lose sight of the richness of His love and Grace shown to me while drenched in my humanity and may I always see myself and others as He sees us, not giving in to self righteous piety but clinging to that matchless love and Grace that sought me out, lifted me out of the miry clay of humanity and set my feet on the solid Rock – my righteousness, found only in the blood of Jesus, not my paltry good works!

To those who’ve pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps through positive thinking I challenge you to accept the fact every ounce of your positive thinking and self motivated efforts will run dry, most likely when you need them most, while the limitless strength, wisdom, and richness of self worth found in Christ will not just carry me through this life but all of eternity, never waning or running dry. To see myself as a wretch saved by Grace may sound self-defeating but I know by my own personal experience admitting my true condition opens the door to richness and worth I could never find on my own. So, I admit it freely, joyfully, and with all my heart – I need a Savior, and I found Him in Jesus – the friend of sinners!


So, You ready for Christmas?

IMG_2329So, you ready for Christmas???

Not only have I been asked this question multiple times this month, I have even asked it! What is that all about anyhow? 

What often times is just a way to fill quiet space with a more or less redundant question, has caused me to ponder a bit this year.  In the quietness of my morning I started thinking about being “ready for Christmas”.  Usually my answer is a resounding “NO!!”  – I’ve got presents to wrap, presents to buy, presents to mail, a house to clean, groceries to buy, cards to sign, address and mail – the list is unending.  But, am I ready for Christmas, ready to celebrate the birth of my Savior? – You betcha!  Every day, all day long I am ready and looking forward to celebrating the day that changed the world and me for all eternity.

Next time someone asks you if you are ready for Christmas surprise them with a resounding “YES!, I am always ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus” – It is fun to watch the reactions and who knows maybe you will have the opportunity to share why that is so important to you.

Merry Christmas!!
